About Our Inventory
Management Systems​

Its critical for a manufacturer to understand what is happening with the inventory in the field. But the distributor selling model makes most manufacturers blind as to the dynamics in the field.

Not having visibility makes it difficult for operations to plan and forecast or for the sales team to be sure there is adequate field inventory to meet the needs of the customer.

The Interlynx Inventory Management System help you monitor field level inventory at the SKU level - overall levels, trends (shrinking or growing), overstocked and unsold SKUs or products and individual distributor levels.

All of our systems are “turn key” and “distributor friendly” so that that both you and your distributors benefit.

How Our Inventory Management
System Works​

Your distributors will send their inventory level via API, flat file or other means in real time or on a schedule time iteration and in their preferred format.

Interlynx will then take the raw data, fix, format and associate each SKU with the manufacturer’s product family structure.

The inventory data from each distributor will be uploaded into a consolidated database.

The entire process will be captured in a suite of reports with alerts even the ability to “exchange” inventory information between manufacturer and distributor or between distributors.

What You Can Expect by Using Interlynx For
Inventory Management

Identify and track distributor inventory levels​

Identify trends in the data to assist in production planning​​

Optimize field inventory and keep in balance.​

Help distributors to move slow moving inventory.​

Drive distributor mindshare by helping them win.​

Drive financial efficiency and reduce waste.​